Thursday, December 24, 2009

Well here he is!!! He is such a ham!! All you have to do is hold the camera up and say cheese and this is what you get!! So funny!! Well, Copper is every where now. He crawls every where, even up the stairs. He is also pulling him self up on things and forgets sometimes that he can't walk yet. Silly kid. He also has 4 1/2 teeth : 3 on the bottom and one and a half on the top? I just wish they would stop taking their sweet time and drop down all the way all ready!!! I hope that everyone has a great Christmas!!!! Love ya All!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Coo-9per just wanted to say .320
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yes that was from Cooper! Here he is enjoying a teething cookie. Hope you all can enjoy your holiday meals like he enjoys his.

Monday, November 2, 2009

here is my little dinosaur!!!!! Nic was cookie monster and there is crazy toni as the hulk. I had to go to work that night so no halloween fun for me :(

Thursday, October 22, 2009

So I went and got Cooper's pictures taken which turned out good. He was just not as smilly as he is on a normal day so oh well. We also took a little trip up to Bear Lake so there are a few pictures of that trip too in this little slide show.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Boy oh boy!!! Well I guess the days of uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep are over. It is a good thing he is so cute!!!! Don't get me wrong he is sleeping about 6-8 hours at a time but there is usually a time in there that i have to get up and roll him back over or put his button back in his mouth. Oh well such is life hopefully once he starts moving around he will get more tired and sleep harder. Which he might start crawling here soon. We have gotten the rolling over from front to back down and now he goes from back to front and can sit up by him self.... so what left just crawling to get that toy that mom keeps putting just out of my reach!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

cooper and I playing around. He is such an animal!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

cooper in his blessing outfit

Next week we go for his 4 month check up!!! He is becoming such a big boy. He is rolling over, supporting the top of his body with his arms and sitting up on his own for about 5 min then he will crumble forward!!!! Oh and he loves to talk to anyone who will talk with him.

Friday, August 21, 2009

So I am playing with the new computer and I loaded some pictures on it when I find this make a video option. So here is what I have created so far.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Here are the latest pictures of Cooper!!! He is showing his wildcat pride!!!!!! And showing you how strong he is standing!!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

So let me tell you about my exciting week. I worked this past weekend which was not bad. Same old story just a different day. Then on Monday afternoon we went down to the sand dunes for nic''s little birthday trip. Well as I am a new dirt bike rider it is really hard for me to ride in the sand. So to put it nicely I really dislike going there. It is just not fun for me, you get sand every where, it's hot and when I ride I wreck all the time. A little side note the first time we were at the sand dunes, it was raining and I had just wreck for the 10th time and that is the only time Nic has heard me say the "f" word amongst others. no bueno!!! Well this trip was no exception. This time I had a 3 month, old breast feeding doesn't that sound fun. Well we were just going to stay in a tent that night because we were going home the next day. So, the tent is up the sun goes down and the wind starts. Our tent has a lot of mesh to keep it cool but when you are in the dunes this does not help. About every 15 min there would be a huge gust of wind that would blow a tun of sand under the canopy and on to your face!!! So then you try to cover your self with the sleeping bag and then the heat starts. Sweaty, sandy, hot, 3 month old baby to care for now doesn't this sound like the best night of your life. I like to call it a little slice of HELL!!!! So will I be going to the sand dunes any time soon, not likely!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

look at my camo pants!!

me and dad eating.....

then we took a nap

this is me laughing at my mom

this is just me!!!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This is Cooper talking to me!!!

A little half smile for the camera!

Cooper loves his sun glasses he just leaves them on his face.

This is dad putting Cooper to sleep...

Monday, June 29, 2009

just a couple of pictures of cooper. He will be 2 months old on the 2nd. Things are going good. We will be blessing him in church this coming sunday.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Look at this little cutie!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Here is Cooper saying HI to every one!!!!

So I thought that I would share some of my child birth experience. So we went in at 8am and i was started on pitosin. Then the fun began. The contractions started a few hours later and they kept upping the pitosin. Then about 7 hours later my doctor broke my water. ok, seriously gross!!!! I mean it is great if you enjoy feeling like you are peeing on our self every time you move. lovely!!! So then the contractions got stronger and I got my epidural. Yehhh!!! Drugs!!!! The fun in this is you get to sit up and hunch over a table, lets all remember the water breaking thing that was great. So the nice doctor gives me a little pain meds to help while he places the epidural. That was a nice thought but next time I will pass. Because I am hunched over a bedside table and now I am throwing-up. Awesome!!! Alright that is over finally no pain. just kidding now the epidural wears off, so who knew that they start you epidural with one med and the maintain it with another. Well when your body metabolizes those meds differently then you get PAIN. So we get that under control and now I feel nothing not to mention I can not even move my legs, now we are talking!!! So about 10 1/2 hours into it, it is time to start pushing. So then I get to push for an hour and a half!!!!! So fun, you people that enjoy this miracle are crazy!! Don't get me wrong it is great to have a child but lets not sugar coat it. So about 12 hours after we started he was here!!! The good news was I really did not have and pains after labor. oh yes and please come in and massage my fundus, who knew you could scratch your back through your belly button. Now it is time to rest and gear up for the next bit of fun.