Friday, March 20, 2009

Well I am about 33 weeks right now and I am feeling it. Things have been going good. I am still working at the ER three nights a week. I am just hoping that one night I will be a work and it will all start. Then all I have to do have one of my co-workers wheel me over to L&D. When they measure my belly I am two weeks ahead. So we will see, since ts is my first I may be clamped down like Fort Knox. I'll tell you what it is rough when I walk into a patient's room and they are pregnant and telling me that they are sick, tired and don't feel good. Give me a break!!!!! And it does not help that my co-workers ask me if i have twins in there!!! No, I don't I just carry the kid all out in front. I guess I will have to take a few pictures and post them.


Sheffer's said...

I'm glad to hear you're doing good. I think the first pregnancy when you're still working full-time is a lot harder than subsequent ones where you're home more. Way to be strong! :D As hard as it is to carry a huge beach ball, be grateful it's not going all on your butt instead. (I've done that, not fun or attractive!)Can't wait to see some belly pics. What are you doing in the nursery? I'm sure it'll be gorgeous.

Schagel Family said...

Well, hold that baby in there a little longer. I am glad things are well. Can't wait to see more pictures. Take it easy.