Sunday, May 17, 2009

So Cooper is two weeks old now!!!!! He is such a good little boy. And such a little cutie!!!!
He even is on an M&M!!! I thought that these are so great!!!! You just upload a picture and type you little message and in a week you get a package of m&m with your face on them!!!

There are a few more pictures of my little cutie!!! I guess a hour and a half of pushing after 11 hours a labor was worth it!!! He is a good little baby!


Mariah said...

Love the pictures! He is SUCH a cutie, thanks for sharing them with us all. You're a way better mom than me...poor Lincoln hasn't had many pictures put on of him. Those m&m's are too cute. I think we'll be coming up to Utah or at least through it for Stephen's family reunion this summer. We'll have to get together for some boy bonding. :-) Keep the pictures coming...

Sharron said...

He is a cute little booger. Keep telling how good he is and make Mariah humble. Lincoln is not a bad baby, just knows how to time things just right to help his Nanny get her just dues.