Here is Miss Carter Catherine. She was born on Sept. 1st, 9lbs 2oz, 21in . I started having contractions at about 6:30 in the morning and she was born right before 10 am. Apparently when I go into labor that is it. I was scheduled for an induction that day(yes it was before my due date) So, when i got there I told them I thought I was in labor all ready. So they sent me to registration. Then I went to my room got changed and the nurse came in. I let her know too that I was all ready in labor and she said okay let me get your blood drawn and iv started and then i will check you. Okay... Well there were problems getting my iv started. So while she is working on that I feel a gush of warm water and I did not pee my self. That got the nurse moving. let's see what you are... a 5 okay now we start calling people. About 20min later one more check because I was starting to huff and puff by then oh you are 7. hey let's get that anesthesia guy and his cart of goodness in here!!! So the nurse is taring things open and I am trying not to kill someone. This I think is where the miracle comes into play, I did not kill anyone that day. So here we go the goodness cart finally arrives and a doctor that is not mine. What you want me to sit up to get the epidural!!! If I had not been in so much pain and could have talked better, I would have called him a Pansy who can't do a spinal with a pt on their side! Then my doctor walks in, let's do this I got to push!!!!! I was nice to have the epidural for the last 5-10 contractions what ever!! And she was out!!! Total time in labor 3 hours! Working the day before might have helped who knows!!!!!

She looks so good. Congratulations! I love all the pictures.
Dang she is a cutie!
Why does it take them FOREVER to get their cart of goodness into those rooms? That drives me crazy too.
That is a crazy short labor, which is good I guess, since they were taking their sweet time with the epidural.
Glad it all worked out ok, and that you're all doing well. Keep the pictures coming...
Hi Nic and Cat, just wanted to congratulate you both on the new little baby. She is so beautiful and thank you for the birth announcment. Looks like you have your hands full. They are adorable kids. Love you guys! Kim and Bobbie Dewsnup
What a little doll! Congratulations and glad you all look so good!
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